Getting the Right Wiring Installed for Your Appliances

Your electrical system comprises a complex network of cables that must be installed appropriately to avoid disasters. As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to ensure that a professional electrician properly does your home’s wiring.

Most states in America prohibit unlicensed electricians from doing any kind of wiring to avoid fire accidents caused by faulty wiring. But how do you know if your home’s wiring is being done correctly? Here is a simple guide to follow when doing the wiring. Therefore, make sure your electrician follows these steps.

Steps to Follow When Doing Wiring

Design a Wiring Diagram

Make sure your contractor draws a wiring diagram indicating where the breaker box is and the path of the cables to every outlet in your house. This diagram will guide the electrician when wiring your house so that they can put every cable where it’s supposed to be.

Know the Number of Outlets

Your contractor should start by running the most extended cables to avoid wastage of conduits in the walls, especially if you do not intend to use them right away. The best way to run these cables is to start from upstairs and pull them through your basement. This also eliminates the need to use a ladder to push your cables upstairs. Make sure your contractor leaves at least 1ft of an extra wire at the end of each cable if you want to make minor changes later.

Drill Holes

When drilling holes, your contractor needs to be aware of the other side of the wall to avoid damaging water pipes and electrical wires.

Setting a Breaker

Your breaker should be located in a place where you can access it quickly in an emergency.

Pull Your Wires to the Outlets

When pulling the wires, your contractor should use the wiring diagram. They should also cut or drywall any wires that stick out of the box.

Install Your Circuits

Each wiring set should have its circuit. Also, the circuits should match the amperage of the cable and the intended use of the outlet.